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Spring Cleaning DeLuxe 11.0.1 Mac OSX

, Posted by Doctor-Gold at 10:21 PM

Spring Cleaning DeLuxe 11.0.1 Mac OSX

Spring Cleaning DeLuxe 11.0.1 Mac OSX 

Size: 57.07 MB

Company Smith Micro invited the attention of the owners of Mac computers a new version of useful utility called Spring Cleaning Deluxe 11 . This tool, as its name implies, allow for " spring cleaning "on your hard drive and will provide more stability and performance systems. Despite the fact that most of the " Yabloko "believe in perfection OS from the company Apple , after prolonged use on the hard drive Mac-laptop or desktop PC accumulated a considerable amount of unnecessary data, which adversely affect system performance. Spring Cleaning Deluxe 1911 offers a set of simple to-use tools to effectively combat junk file.
Thus, a component of Duplicates Finder finds duplicate files on your hard drive user files and copies of applications. Tool Access Monitor is responsible for detecting more unwanted materials from past projects, and other files that have remained unclaimed for a long time. Component Document Finder is used to find and orderly presentation of all discovered documents on a disk, the utility Empty Folder Finder finds empty directories on disk, and Archive Finder will be precise and accurate list of the found file archives.
Utility SizeManager help to know what exactly these busy PC's hard drive. Users will be able in a few minutes to determine the most bulky files, delete them or move to an external drive. Annex A Photo AKA can be used for the effective management of personal digital photo archives. Built-in storage Spring Cleaning Storage can be used for placing files in respect of which the user finds it difficult to take an unambiguous decision.
Spring Cleaning Deluxe 1911 offers this convenient and easy to use search engines. The owners of the computer can establish specific search criteria, use indexes Spotlight or filter search results to specific file attributes.
To carry out inspections in the automatic mode, it comes complete with task scheduler. Spring Cleaning Deluxe also supports the scenario AppleScript , designed to automate repetitive actions on a regular basis.

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